February 4, 2025Jake Lever - the next generation of teachers
For three days per week I teach at Warwick University, training teachers on the PGCE Secondary Art and Design course. I am really fortunate to work with excellent trainees and staff who are committed to the three values that underpin the course; intellectual curiosity, creativity and social justice.
We reflect upon classroom practice through the lens of research and theory, exploring key questions around what constitutes a high quality, relevant and meaningful art education for today’s young people. Seminars and workshops focus upon issues and questions. What is the role of drawing in the curriculum? How could curriculum content become more diverse and inclusive? How do we authentically assess in our subject?
These and many other questions are explored by a dynamic community of Artist Teachers, both face to face at Warwick and across the world through online teaching. Next summer I will be marking 40 years of continuous involvement in art education, so I look forward to sharing more in this blog and planning some events in the Autumn.